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10 Things to Whisper in Your Child’s Ear Every Day
by Gavin McCormack, reprinted by permission
1. I believe in you 100 percent. Whatever you want to be, I’ll be right behind you.
2. Be yourself; that’s all you can do. You’re amazing just as you are, and I love you.
3. I trust you, and you can trust me. If you make a mistake or do something wrong, that’s ok! We all make mistakes!
4. I will always be by your side. No matter how far away you are from me, just call and I’ll be right there!
5. I’m your friend. I may be a lot older than you, but I love being with you just as much as you love being with me!
6. Try to be as kind as you can to everyone you meet. Smile, love, care, and laugh. That’s all I ask of you.
7. Try your best; that’s good enough for me. But whatever you do, don’t ever give up. Don’t ever let doubt get in your way. If you can imagine it, you can become it!
8. If you see someone crying on the playground, sitting on their own, or looking lonely, go over, hold their hand, and make sure they’re ok! Imagine what it would be like to be so sad!
9. Take care of plants, animals, and insects. They’re all part of the universe, and so are you. The world is your home, but it’s also theirs. Let’s share it together.
10. I love you, unconditionally!
Gavin McCormack is a trainedMontessori teacher, children’sauthor, teacher trainer,philanthropist and schoolprincipal. While working in the teachingprofession for over twenty years, hehas used his experience and training tounderstand what it means to truly educatewith true intention. Initially trained as amainstream primary school teacher, Gavinre-trained as a Montessori teacher wherehe found the understanding and experiencethat has inspired him to build severalschools and teacher training centres inthe Himalayan regions of Nepal. Gavin hastrained teachers, parents and educationalleaders across the world. In 2022 he joinedMontessori Australia as our Ambassador.