by Lorna McGrath | Book Reviews, MFA, Tomorrow's Child
Written by Joanna Rowland Illustrated by Thea Baker The Memory Box is a very helpful book for children who have lost a loved one. It brings to light a variety of emotions from fear to sadness to happiness that children may experience as they go through the grief...
by Lorna McGrath | Book Reviews, MFA, Tomorrow's Child
by Norma Jean Haynes, Ann Sayre Wiseman, and John Langstaff Another wonderful book for adventurous children and grown ups who want to have fun making music! The book is laid out in categories starting with Beginning Notes (pun intended I’m sure!); Household Things...
by Lorna McGrath | Book Reviews, MFA, Tomorrow's Child
by Association of Zoos & Aquariums Elementary and middle school children, along with their parents and teachers, will love this book. It is a hilarious review of wild animals from around the world! Each animal is rated in a humorous way that tells the reader a...
by Lorna McGrath | Book Reviews, MFA, Tomorrow's Child
Written by Dr. Daniela Owen Illustrated by Gülce Baycik This series is written by an author who we have heard from before. Dr. Owen also wrote a series called Right Now. Some of you may remember and have read those books. Everyone Feels is a new series that can help...
by Lorna McGrath | Book Reviews, MFA, Tomorrow's Child
Written by Lauren Grabois Fischer Illustrated by Devin Hunt This children’s book encourages children to feel their own feelings, think their own thoughts, self-reflect, know themselves, be courageous, and accept others for who they are. The overall belief is that...
by Lorna McGrath | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Education, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Grandparenting, Montessori Parenting, Parenting on the Same Page, Video, Webinars / MFA
Maslowe, a well-known psychologist, developed a theory about humans and their needs along life’s path. In this broadcast we will discuss the needs of parents and caregivers as they journey through their years in Montessori school communities. Join us and take a...
by Lorna McGrath | Book Reviews, MFA, Tomorrow's Child
Written by Mariana Bissonnette Illustrated by Alishs Nicole Brumfield, Brenda Brambila, Esma Bošnjaković, Samantha Morales-Johnson, Sophia Marie Pappas, Tracy Nishimura Bishop, and Chie Ushio During the years that I have been studying the Montessori Method and...
by Lorna McGrath | Book Reviews, MFA, Tomorrow's Child
Written by Sonia Sotomayor, US Supreme Court Justice Illustrated by Rafael López In this book, a group of children go together to a garden. They decide where to plant flowers, water trees, and enjoy the day together. As each child in the book introduces themselves, we...
by Lorna McGrath | Book Reviews, MFA, Tomorrow's Child
Written by Anne Wynter Illustrated by Daniel Miyares Wow! This one is a powerful, well-written, and beautifully illustrated book about a young girl named Nell who plants a seed. The steps from finding a seed to every step along the way to a fully grown tree producing...
by Lorna McGrath | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Grandparenting, Montessori Parenting, Parenting on the Same Page, Video, Webinars / MFA
Holidays are often a time filled with emotion and that makes sense! The emotional experience of holidays is part of what gives them meaning and importance in our lives. But how can we plan ahead to center our families’ unique needs, values, and traditions so...
by Lorna McGrath | MFA, TC December 2023
Dear Members, By now, I hope you have all taken just a few moments to open your Montessori Family Alliance (MFA) account. Ask your school administrator for the link so that you have access to “The Montessori App,” where you can find everything you are looking...
by Lorna McGrath | Book Reviews, MFA, TC December 2023
Babies Build Toddlers Written by Mariana Bissonnette Illustrated by Alishs Nicole Brumfield, Brenda Brambila, Esma Bošnjaković, Samantha Morales-Johnson, Sophia Marie Pappas, Tracy Nishimura Bishop, and Chie Ushio During the years that I have been studying the...
by Lorna McGrath | Book Reviews, MFA, Tomorrow's Child
A Spider Named Itsy Written by Steve Light This book brings new light to the children’s song about an itsy-bitsy spider! The illustrations are action packed, the spider is persistent, and in the process Itsy not only builds a new house but makes new friends as well....
by Lorna McGrath | Book Reviews, MFA, Tomorrow's Child
I Am Enough Written by Grace Byers, Illustrated by Keturah A. Bobo I am enough. What does that mean? Enough what? The author, Grace Byers, describes in rhyme what she means by the title. Young children love rhyming, and they will love the rhythm of the words in this...
by Lorna McGrath | Book Reviews, MFA, Tomorrow's Child
Back to Work After Baby: How to Plan and Navigate a Mindful Return from Maternity Leave Written by Lori K. Mihalich-Levin, JD Let’s face it, the vast majority of parents have (or want) to go back to work sooner or later and it’s really difficult to find a guide for...
by Lorna McGrath | Book Reviews, MFA, Tomorrow's Child
We Gather Together: Celebrating the Harvest Season Written by Wendy Pfeffer, Illustrated by Linda Bleck Wendy Pfeffer is one of my favorite children’s book writers. As usual, I really appreciate how she not only tells interesting stories but also helps children learn...
by Lorna McGrath | Book Reviews, MFA, Tomorrow's Child
Every Autumn Comes the Bear Written by Jim Arnosky This is a beautifully written and illustrated book by Jim Arnosky. It is a story of autumn and wildlife in the wilderness, as a bear gets ready for winter hibernation. It is perfect for setting the stage for more...
by Lorna McGrath | MFA, TC September 2023
Dear Montessori Family Alliance Members, The Montessori Family Alliance is an integral program of the Montessori Foundation, bringing you a variety of parenting tools. We appreciate your continuing support, ideas, and involvement in creating Montessori-inspired family...