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Supporting the Development of Concentration
Concentration: What is it? In a LinkedIn post this past June, “Want Kids to Succeed? Teach them Focus,” Daniel Goleman explains why concentrating is a precursor for both learning something new and developing self-control. We all know that success in school and in...Book Review: Tales of a Traveling Nurse: Is This my Home?
Written by Sheri Sturniolo Illustrated by Shay Larby Children at the elementary level will probably enjoy this book as they look at a career that is new to them, as it was for me: Tales of a Traveling Nurse. They will be able to follow her stops in several different...The Benefits of Your Toddler Moving into the Primary Level
So now your baby is old enough to go to almost any early childhood program. Join Tracey Hall, an experienced Montessori toddler guide and teacher educator, to learn how toddlers can smoothly transition into a Montessori three to six year old program and the benefits...The Importance Of Bring Art Literacy Into Your School
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What will your answer be in January 2026?
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by Nicole Allsop, Registered Dietitian and Montessori Educator In the classroom, many experiences are shared by children, families, and teachers. Success depends on many factors, with health and well-being playing major roles. The more one delves into this, the...Tomorrow’s Child – DECEMBER 2024 Digital Issue
Gratitude in Leadership: Honoring Those Who Shape Us
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Montessori Schoolkeeping – Leading Your Learning Community to Sustained Excellence with special guest and author John Moncure
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