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Raising Helpers

Raising Helpers

by Theresa of One of the most wonderful things about toddlers is how they so inherently want to help. They are eager to be involved, be near us, and participate in our day-to-day activities. What we deem “chores,” toddlers see as what they...
Peacemaking Circles

Peacemaking Circles

Setting Limits It’s Not too Late! The Hows & Whys to Setting Limits

Setting Limits It’s Not too Late! The Hows & Whys to Setting Limits

What Are Limits? Limits tell your family under what condition you are willing or unwilling to do something. They tell your family where you “draw the line.” They tell what you will or will not tolerate. Their purpose is to take care of you. Limits are not designed to...
Montessori’s Gentle Approach To Discipline

Montessori’s Gentle Approach To Discipline

Many parents believe that the word discipline means to punish. In reality, it means to teach. In a Montessori-inspired home, parents are empathetic, caring, and respect children as real and separate human beings. However, children also need to develop a sense of...