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The Benefits of Your Toddler Moving into the Primary Level

The Benefits of Your Toddler Moving into the Primary Level

So now your baby is old enough to go to almost any early childhood program. Join Tracey Hall, an experienced Montessori toddler guide and teacher educator, to learn how toddlers can smoothly transition into a Montessori three to six year old program and the benefits...
What to Look for in Montessori Schools

Montessori Education: Into the Adolescent Years!

Parents sometimes ask, “At what age should my Montessori child experience the reality of a conventional school setting? What are the benefits of a Montessori middle school or high school? What do those programs even look like and are they available near me? If...
The Importance Of Bring Art Literacy Into Your School

What do parents care about in your middle school or high school? How is your program meeting student and parent hopes?

How to Engage Productively in Your Child’s Education

How to Engage Productively in Your Child’s Education

Candid conversations between educators and parents or caregivers can be occurrences impacted by demands on time of both. In Dorothy’s work as a teacher educator and author she has heard from, literally, hundreds of teachers concerning helpful and productive ways...