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by Punum Bhatia Ph.D | Montessori Parenting, Outdoor Education / Resources, Practical Life
“Set the children free, let them have fair play, let them run out when it is raining, take off their shoes when they find pools of water, and when the grass of the meadows is damp with dew, let them run about with bare feet and trample on it; let them rest quietly...
by Kelly Johnson | Kindergarten, Language, Lower Elementary (6-9), MFA, Outdoor Education / Resources, Primary (3-6), Science, Toddler (18 months-3 years), Upper Elementary (9-12), Video, Webinars / MFA
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by Dina Paulik | Empowerment, Maria Montessori, Outdoor Education / Resources, Peace Education, The International Montessori Council, Webcasts / IMC
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by Geoffrey Bishop | Empowerment, MFA, Mindfulness, Outdoor Education / Resources, Reading, The International Montessori Council, Tomorrow's Child
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by Kathy Leitch | Communication, Empowerment, Mixed Ages, Montessori Charter Schools, Montessori Education, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Parenting, Outdoor Education / Resources, Peace Education, Practical Life, Reading
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by Kelly Johnson | Infant-Toddler (0 to 3), Kindergarten, Lower Elementary (6-9), MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Parenting, Outdoor Education / Resources, Primary (3-6), Upper Elementary (9-12), Video, Webinars / MFA, Writing
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by Kelly Johnson | Family Resources, Lower Elementary (6-9), MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Parenting, Outdoor Education / Resources, Webinars / MFA
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by Subash Lama | Archived Issues / Montessori Leadership, Infant-Toddler (0 to 3), Language & Reading, Montessori Education, Outdoor Education / Resources, Planes of Development, Reading, Sensorial, The International Montessori Council, Writing
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by Biological Diversity | Archived Issues / Tomorrow's Child, Early Adolescence (12-15), Empowerment, Family Resources, Health / Nutrition, Later Adolescence (15-18), MFA, Montessori Family Life, Nature, Outdoor Education / Resources, Peace Education, Tomorrow's Child
Every day we make choices in our lives that affect the environment, the climate, and other species. Here’s how you can ‘choose wild’ and reduce your environmental footprint to leave more room for wild animals and plants. 1. Think twice when shopping. Before you buy...
by Margot Garfield-Anderson | Family Resources, Infant-Toddler (0 to 3), MFA, Montessori Parenting, Outdoor Education / Resources, Primary (3-6)
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by Kelly Johnson | Kindergarten, Lower Elementary (6-9), MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Parenting, Outdoor Education / Resources, Parent Education, Primary (3-6), Webinars / MFA
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by Kelly Johnson | Lower Elementary (6-9), MFA, Montessori Education, Outdoor Education / Resources, Upper Elementary (9-12), Writing
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by Marsha Matheson | Family Resources, MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Parenting, Montessori Teachers, Outdoor Education / Resources
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by Tim Seldin | MFA, Montessori Education, Montessori Parenting, Montessori students, Montessori Teachers, Outdoor Education / Resources, Primary (3-6)
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by John Long | MFA, Outdoor Education / Resources, Science
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