Developing a Global Understanding
Montessori is an education centered around peace. How do we help students spend a lifetime, not only accepting and sharing peace, but also feeling secure in the idea that, what is ‘different’ from them and their understanding is interesting and exciting rather than...
Silence is a Gift
For more than a hundred years, children in Montessori schools have been practicing the Silence Game as part of their regular routine. Maria Montessori discovered that children experience great pleasure from the self-control that produces real silence. This is a...
Top 10 Ways to Show Gratitude for Your Teacher
by Cheryl Allen We all appreciate the teachers in our lives, but how do we share that gratitude when we may not know much about them beyond the classroom? Here are ten ideas: 1. Say thank you, and be specific about it: in person or by taking the time to write a note...
I tell my children to get out! In fact, I tell them all of the time to get out of my house and go away. Like the unforgettable and motivational lyrics from the song Roam, by the B52’s, I beg my children to “roam where you want to, roam around the world.” A simple song...
Dear Cathie: How can I guide my children to help around the house?
DEAR CATHIE— I have always done everything for my children. I just thought that is what good parents did! I thought it showed my love. But now that they are growing up, and I am learning more about the Montessori Method from their school and my reading, I understand...
Money Talks: Talking About Financial Uncertainty With Your School-Age Children
With the coronavirus crisis causing unprecedented job losses, many families are experiencing uncertainty around money. Even families with relatively solid financial footing are feeling a need to rethink family finances. Our impulse as parents is to protect our...
Music: A Multisensory Approach to Learning
I have been a children’s music teacher for nearly half a century! I started teaching in Michigan and continued in the U.S. Virgin Islands, California, Hawaii, and New Mexico. In the beginning, I was expected to create my own curriculum. Because I was a musician,...
Book Reviews by Lorna McGrath
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Neurodevelopmental Tools for the Classroom
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Science for Everyday — Self-Assessment Question List for Teachers
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Weather Kids
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Science for Everyday — Student Assessment Question List
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