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What do parents care about in your middle school or high school? How is your program meeting student and parent hopes?

What do parents care about in your middle school or high school? How is your program meeting student and parent hopes?

Supporting Executive Functioning Skills in Your Toddler

Supporting Executive Functioning Skills in Your Toddler

First, what are executive functioning skills anyway? Next, how important are executive functioning skills for outcomes in life? Finally, how can families help? Join us and learn about nurturing this crucial realm of brain development in the early years.

How to Engage Productively in Your Child’s Education

How to Engage Productively in Your Child’s Education

Candid conversations between educators and parents or caregivers can be occurrences impacted by demands on time of both. In Dorothy's work as a teacher educator and author she has heard from, literally, hundreds of teachers concerning helpful and productive ways for...

Where Are You on Your Montessori Parent Journey?

Where Are You on Your Montessori Parent Journey?

Maslowe, a well-known psychologist, developed a theory about humans and their needs along life's path. In this broadcast we will discuss the needs of parents and caregivers as they journey through their years in Montessori school communities. Join us and take a look...

Books, Books, Books: for Reading Together or for Giving

Books, Books, Books: for Reading Together or for Giving

This is one of our favorite webinars. We love to read with and to children. Our motto is "Drop everything and grab a book!" We will review some of our favorites for children and adults. We will also include a PDF of great reads for you to refer to later. Join us for...

Supporting Your Children’s Natural Growth in Language and Literacy

Supporting Your Children’s Natural Growth in Language and Literacy

Christine Lowry, a Montessori special educator with expertise in language and literacy development, will share ideas based on current research that advocates using a natural, relaxed approach to learn and love reading. She will explain how to use a "serve and return"...

Helping Your Toddler Adjust to School

Helping Your Toddler Adjust to School

Is this your child's first school experience - their first time away from home or from a primary caregiver? Or is it the transition from being at home with parents, grandparents, or a special aunt or uncle? Transitions are not easy for any of us and they can be...