Registration Fees:
Non-IMC Members: $1,250 US for the first person from a school / $1,000 US for each additional person enrolling from the same school.
Members of the International Montessori Council (IMC): Individual IMC members, or participants sponsored by a school that is a member of the International Montessori Council, receive a substantial discount: $1,050 US for the first person enrolled from an IMC-affiliated school / $800 US for each additional participant enrolling from the same IMC member school.
Recruiting & Retaining Your Perfect Enrollment
Course Description
A school is nothing but people. It lives in their hearts and minds. A great school is a group of people acting in accordance with a common set of beliefs and values, who feel a sense of commitment to each other and to the institution.
So often, schools agonize over the difficulty of attracting and retaining enough students to meet their budget, and every time a Montessori child leaves before graduation, our classes and school communities suffer.
The Montessori Foundation believes that this endless cycle can, and must, be broken. We can build our schools with children who will blossom in Montessori and with parents who will value and remain committed to Montessori. This highly practical and hands-on course will show students how to organize their admissions/recruitment program to identify and attract the perfect families for your school.
Does this sound familiar?
“We worry about our enrollment every year.”
“My teachers get tired and discouraged when we hold parent education nights, and only the same five really committed families show up.”
“I wish that our parents were really supportive! What does it take to get parents to understand that we sometimes feel as if we?ve all taken a vow of poverty just so their tuition will stay low”
“I am really tired of defending Montessori to parents who think that we?re involved with a cult.”
A Montessori child can never be replaced!
This course will help you to attract not only children who will blossom in your school, but parents whose values and commitments are in line with your school?s vision.
This course will help you to:
- consider how to make the most of the currently weak economy that many schools face.
- define your school?s unique identity
- build a stronger school community
- get the most out of your promotional dollars
- learn how to get positive PR on a shoestring
- understand the recruitment secrets of the most successful schools
- turn your school?s ?limitations? into assets
- develop highly effective school brochures
- make direct mail strategies work for your school
- develop and effectively use direct mail pieces
- get free publicity for your school
- use slide shows and videos
- make your school newsletter your single most effective PR tool
- organize effective open houses and special events
- motivate your present families to help
- find the perfect match between family, child, staff, and school
- keep your vision alive
- develop effective parent education programs
- organize monthly community and class meetings
- work with parent volunteers
- make new families feel at home
- give children ?bragging rights? through a strong extracurricular program
- organize a Financial Aid Program
- develop a more family-friendly school