Neuromyths: Debunking False Ideas About the Brain
Written by Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa
Have you ever explained behavior using information you have known for so long that it must be true? As parents and teachers, we may aim to learn about brain development and what is happening as our child grows, and we may share some information that is not correct. In this book, Tracey Takuhama-Espinosa leads us through some of the myths we may have learned about the brain and brain development and gives us updated information we can use on the same topics.
This book is easy to read. For each myth, she explains the myth, where the myth comes from, and what we know now. We are not all neuroscientists, and she explains what is known now with that in mind. At the end of each section is ‘Why This is Good News for Teaching.’ In most cases, the information contained in these short sections can be applied to a class or a home.
Although we do not all have time to become a neuroscientist, reading this book can help us apply updated neuroscience information in our interactions with the brains we come in contact with regularly, including our own! Did you know that you have not missed your window for learning another language? Or that the idea of multitasking is more than one myth?
The last chapter gives us steps to recognize neuromyths (you will start to hear them everywhere) and avoid applying misinformation to the brains nearest and dearest to us. The short reminders are ways for us to practice applying the growing neuroscience information to our own lives and our family or students.
I recommend this book for all adults that have a brain and interact with others with brains.