The Parenting Puzzle
Annual License to Teach The Parenting Puzzle Program Through Your School
Now you can offer our new Montessori Parenting Course at your school!

Do parents at your school look weary as they drop their children off at the beginning of the day, complain to teachers that they can’t get their children to do anything at home, or say that they wish they knew how to do at home what the teachers do at school with regard to behavior?
From infancy to adolescence, children can be a challenge and parenting is a puzzle.
There is no better way to win your parents’ loyalty than by helping them to solve their practical everyday parenting challenges.
Do you wish that you could have a strong Montessori parenting education program at your school? Now you can.
The Parenting Puzzle is our brand new five-week Montessori parenting education course, taught by Lorna McGrath, Coordinator of the Montessori Family Alliance and Senior Montessori Consultant. Lorna teaches parents the essential Montessori strategies to meet their children’s emotional needs, minimize misbehavior, stop disruptive behavior as it begins, strengthen parenting partnerships, learn alternatives to punishment and reward, and much more.

Great parenting courses inspired by Montessori have been available for years. This course is based on the work of Montessori in combination with strategies from Rudolph Dreikurs and Kathryn Kvols.
The Parenting Puzzle Series is different!
It can be taken by families online or in person, and
it is specifically designed for families in Montessori schools
Now you can also offer The Parenting Puzzle parent education course at your school, helping your families to create more cooperative and peaceful homes while helping them to appreciate and better understand the key aspects that make Montessori and your school so special.
However, parents can, and do, sign up individually.
Members of the Montessori Family Alliance (whether they joined through a school or individually) can take the course online in their own homes for $200 per family. The non-member price is $250. READ MORE >>
The only additional cost to parents is for the required resource books: How to Raise an Amazing Child The Montessori Way by Tim Seldin and Redirecting Children’s Behavior and the accompanying workbook by Kathryn Kvols.
If your school is part of the Montessori Family Alliance network, you can remind your parents by encouraging them to look up the Parenting Puzzle members’ discount link in the members’ library. (They do need to log in with their user name and password to access the information.)
There is no question that parents will get more from a Parenting Course if they take it as a parenting couple in person with other families and with an experienced Montessori educator to lead the discussion. The course is designed to make it easy for you or your teachers to show the pre-recorded videos, after which you just lead parents through a well-planned series of group discussions, sharing strategies, experiential activities, and asking lots of questions.
Whether your school families have toddlers, teenagers, or anywhere in between, The Parenting Puzzle will give you and your key staff members the tools to facilitate a predesigned five-week Montessori family life class.

Let's Get You Started
This link will take you to our shop, where you can sign up for your school’s annual license. We will be in touch quickly to help you prepare to begin offering the course.