Log-In Instructions for School Families
To Gain Online Access to
The Montessori Family Alliance and
Tomorrow’s Child Magazine
We are pleased to provide you with free membership in The Montessori Family Alliance this year. Membership includes the Montessori Family Alliance’s extensive Montessori parents’ resource center, a wealth of information about Montessori to extend our school’s in-house program, and a subscription to Tomorrow’s Child, the Montessori family magazine.
Let’s Get Started.
Click on this link or copy and add it to your web browser. It will take you to a page in our store that is already set up to activate your free subscription. https://www.montessori.org/product/free-family-membership/
The images below are not live links, just screen shots designed to provide you with graphic images if you need help. Log into the link above and refer to the steps below.
It’s a pretty easy, 4-step process, but if you have problems, contact us for help.
Joyce St. Giermaine, Editor
This is what you should see on your screen when you have clicked the above-referenced link or copied it into your web browser.
Click on “Add to Cart.”

Click the “View Cart” button.

Now click the “Proceed to Checkout” button.

You will now be asked for “Billing Information” but you are NOT being billed; your total due will be $0. This is where you will set up your free membership information, including a password of your own choosing. Complete the required fields and click the “Place Order” button.

And now you are a member of the Montessori Family Alliance. Now just log in and explore!